Monday, June 4, 2007

Return from Carb Weekend

Yesterday was a day of fasting, which meant that I didn't eat until about 5:00 PM. Because of this late meal, I took a third day of carbs. Shouldn't have, but did. So this morning it is back on the diet. I weighed 243 this morning. That's a gain of about 6 lbs. We'll see if this week I can take this off and a few lbs more.

Here was my workout this morning:

8 weight assisted pullups (60 lbs)
7 bodyweight pullups
5 bodyweight pullups
5 bodyweight pullups

95 X 8
95 X 8
95 X 6

Seated Calf Raises (superset w/crunches)
120 X 8 - 11 crunchse
145 X 8 - 8 crunches
170 X 8 - 8 crunches

T-Bar Rows
90 X 8
115 X 6
115 X 6

Dumbell Curls
35 X 16
40 X 8
35 X 6

I think that these weights are a little down from last workout. Could be due to the fasting, could be due to not enough sleep.

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